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Our Purpose

Our purpose is to promote literacy and lifelong learning for our members’ entire family by providing access to up to 130 books. We empower and enrich their intellectual and emotional lives through literacy.

Our Vision

Our vision is to offer a powerful, vibrant, creative, and beneficial selection of books that allow members’ and their families to embrace the joy of reading, explore new ideas, and share meaningful experiences through literature. The By Cofi Lending Library will be a household name inspiring diversity in storytelling, education, fun, and spiritual awareness.

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copy book Checkout

Checkout Policy:


    1.    Book Limit: Each member may check out one book at a time from the By Cofi Reading Club Lending Library.

    2.    Checkout Duration: Books are loaned out on a monthly basis. Members are responsible for returning books by the specified due date.

    3.    Checkout Procedure: To check out a book, members must sign their name, the title of the book borrowed, and the due date on the checkout log provided.

    4.    Late Fees: A $2 late fee will be charged for each day that a book is returned after the due date. Late fees are payable upon return of the book.

    5.    Book Care: Members are expected to take proper care of borrowed books. This includes keeping books in good condition, avoiding damage or markings, and keeping them away from pets or hazardous environments.

    6.    Renewals: Renewals may be possible depending on availability and demand. Members can inquire about renewing a book at least three days before the due date.


    7.    Lost or Damaged Books: In case of lost or significantly damaged books, members are responsible for replacing the book or covering the cost of replacement as determined by the club.


By adhering to this checkout policy, we ensure that our lending library remains organized, books are returned promptly, and all members can enjoy access to our diverse collection of reading materials. Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining the integrity of our library resources.

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